Comscore Connected TV helps leverage CTV consumption data across U.S. households

Andrew Martinez
Andrew Martinez
Lead Analyst, Client Insights

Comscore Connected TV Insights helps Fortune 500 company showcase incremental reach against streaming service competitors

Would you like to understand how Comscore’s CTV Intelligence can help differentiate your platform against key competitors? Showcase your strengths to advertisers with a granular view into the rapidly-evolving CTV ecosystem.

The Scenario

The Fortune 500 company wanted to showcase its exclusive CTV audience reach against competing services, to jump-start conversation with new advertisers.

The Solution

Comscore CTV Intelligence provides clients with critical insights into consumer over-the-top (OTT) streaming activity on TV-connected devices.

Number 1

Industry-wide reporting

  • Analyze over-the-top streaming industry size, services, demographics, audience duplication, and trends.
Number 2

Service specific reporting

  • Identify your shared and unshared traffic amongst other services in the industry.
  • Further analyze shared and unshared audiences with granular demographic targeting.
    • Age, gender, income, ethnicity, HH size, cord status, HML viewership
Number 3

Showcase differentiation

  • Based on analytics provided within CTV Intelligence, show advertisers value specific to your platform/service.

The Results

Fortune 500 company showed that it reached millions of households that are not reached by other major services including Publisher 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.​

Service Reach & Incrementality Metrics
Date: September 2023